ARCTIC DOGS ( CG Animated Feature- AIC Studios) - The Climactic Battle!

Swifty and his friends join forces to combat the Evil Doc Walrus, and his gang of puffins. Doc Walrus is on top of his giant drill, which he plans to use to drill right through the heart of their town, which would ultimately destroy everything. Swifty’s natural white color, which often made it hard for him to be seen, or noticed by anyone, now serves as an advantage as he may be able to sneak by Doc and his puffin army, as his friends battle them through the streets, clearing the way for Swifty.

I boarded this scene from a general outline, but a lot of the ideas were brainstormed between another story artist and myself.


Personal Storyboard- Transformers Action Scene

This is a storyboard I did for myself, its an action scene I would have liked to have seen in the Transformers Movie